Respond faster, re-engage old leads and set more appointments with text messages

Grow your funnel by sending targeted text messages to the right people at the right time

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Randy Johnson
Broker Realty Co
๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi Jason, how is the home search coming along?
Jason Buyer
Home buyer
We need a little help. Are you free this Saturday?

Text messages have a 98% open rate, which is better engagement than email or phone calls.

Appointment Setting

More than 25% of text message leads set appointments to see homes

Response Rate

95% of text messages are read within 3 minutes of being sent.

Randy Johnson
Broker Realty Co
๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi Jason, how is the home search coming along?
Jason Buyer
Home buyer
We need a little help. Are you free this Saturday?

Set Appointments with 25% of Your Leads

We prescreen new leads, filter false inquiries, and connect highly motivated buyers and sellers to your agents.

Virtual Assistant Associate

Ashley Anderson

In my humble opinion, I'm one of the best ISAs in the US. I've set a minimum of 20 appointments per day for the past 3 years.

Virtual Assistant Manager

Bob Jacobson

I've been an ISA for the past 7 years and have set more than 12,000 real estate appointments for agents from SF to NYC.

Virtual Assistent Manager

Erin Burr

My super power is my ability to summarise notes with only the important information agents need before they call the lead.

Virtual Assistant Director

Brooke Robinson

I love leading a team of talented VAs to qualify real estate leads!

Virtual Assistant Sr. Manager

Jamie Rice

I respond to leads quickly and accurately every time.

Virtual Assistent Manager

Alex James

My super power is my emotional intelligence to answer questions with empathy.

Respond Faster

Virtual assistants respond to new leads within 2 minutes, and set appointments with motivated buyers and sellers so your agents can show more homes.

Send a text message on any or all 10 US Federal holidays.
Open House
Promote your open house to interested buyers.
Home Search
Send homebuyers new listings at a set frequency.
Grab Coffee
Invite existing and potential clients out to coffee.
Do More Follow Up

Smart campaigns send a text message to unresponsive leads every 4-7 days and set appointments with 25% of your leads.


Send a text message on any or all 10 US Federal holidays.

Home Search

Send homebuyers new listings at a set frequency.

Open House

Promote your open house to interested buyers.

Grab Coffee

Invite existing and potential clients out to coffee.

Ready to buy
Ready to buy
Ready to sell
Re-engage old leads

Bring thousands of old leads back to life and maximize your ROI with stay-in-touch campaigns that are pre-written and read to send.

Buyers and Sellers Read and Respond to Text Messages

Start More Conversations

More than 95% of our text messages are read within 3 minutes of being sent. We start more conversations with leads and set appointments faster than phone calls or emails.


Change scripts by lead source and type, then customize them to fit your brand voice and identity.

Data Driven Approach

We know what text messages convert best in nearly every market, with every lead source and type in the US and Canada.

Amplify Other Channels

Send text messages to alert buyers to an incoming email or phone call and theyโ€™re more likely to respond.

The easiest way to turn online leads into quality appointments

The Smart Alto Appointment Setting System guarantees your team never misses another sales opportunity.

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