April 29, 2021


Ginger Crosbie

Texting VS Calling: Which Is Better For Converting Real Estate Leads?

Why texting your leads helps get you on the phone with the right people

Listen. Get on that phone. 

At Smart Alto, we want the real estate agents that work with us to be on the phone, working with leads and clients that are hot and ready to do business.

“So then why are we talking about texting?” Is the question that normally follows. 

Look I get it. It may seem strange that a company that advocates for using SMS to follow up with leads is telling you to get on the phone, but hear me out… 

Do we want real estate agents to text leads? 


Do we want real estate agents to get on the phone? 


But, we want you to be effective on the phone. 

You see, there's a method to the madness. You should be calling in this order:

  • Leads that have set appointments with you, 
  • Leads that ghosted you,
  • Engaged leads when BANTAR is known (psst - check out this article if you’re thinking I spelled banter wrong… you’re thinking about the wrong type of BANTAR), and THEN
  • Everyone else.

(Note - You can dive further into who you should be calling and why here.) 

You should not be spending your time calling incoming leads. That’s what texting is for. 

The BEST way to get on the phone with your leads is by first getting them to engage via text. 

Here’s why…

No One Listens to Voicemails 

If you look at your phone right now, how many missed calls and voicemails notifications do you have? 

It’s probably nowhere near as bad as your unread email notifications. 

But both are probably way more than your missed text notifications. Am I right? 

Those numbers alone should tell you that calling and leaving voicemails isn’t effective.

Why do I assume you’re having to leave a voicemail? Because Apple and Google make it too easy for calls from an unrecognized number to be silenced. 

People prefer to text. The numbers don’t lie. 

95% of texts are read within 3 minutes of being sent. And 75% of people wish they could have text conversations with a business. 

Those numbers don’t mean you give up calling your leads and clients all together. It just means that the best way to get your clients and leads on the phone is to first engage them via text.  


Dialing For Dollars Sucks

Who has time for that in this busy business?

You would need to spend 20 hours calling and following up with leads on the phone to set 4 appointments. 

That’s 5 hours of calling per appointment. That’s a painfully ineffective use of your time. 

Also, think about how frustrating it is to call someone only to find out:

  • You’ve got the wrong number, 
  • The person is rude, or
  • They made a mistake clicking on your ad

Texting is a great way to work through all of those pain points without having to invest 20 hours of your time to do so. 

With texting you can easily figure out if you have the right number. 

If someone is rude, just block’em... 

If they made a mistake. Just say, “No problem! Please feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions down the road”

And you can do it all via text. 


You Need To Get A Response To Get On The Phone

Think of texting your leads as the first step in a set of stairs. 

In order to get your leads on the phone, you first need to get them to engage with you. 

Sure, your Facebook ads are great. They got your leads attention. But getting your leads attention isn’t enough. 

You want them to engage and respond to you so that you can ultimately get them on the phone and convince them to become your client. 

Remember, everyone is screening their calls. And if they aren't, their phone is doing it for them. 

People are far more likely to answer the phone if they're expecting a call from you.

Our Smart Alto ISAs are here to help filter through your leads, identify the leads ready and willing to engage with you and then hand them off to you in the form of a phone appointment. 

How nice is that?

Remember, 95% of texts are read within the first 3 minutes of being sent. Voicemails and emails can sit in inboxes, unread for a long time. 

Don’t let another agent land the lead because they managed to engage the leads first by sending a text message. 


You’re Awkward On The Phone

Look, at Smart Alto we’ve been doing this a long time. Hassan Riggs, one of our co-founders, has set over 10,000 appointments as an ISA alone. 

That’s a lot of game time. 

If you do get a lead to get on the phone with you, chances are you’re probably a little awkward on the phone because you’re not prepared. Not to mention, that script your broker gave you is a little clunky.

Imagine… You’ve been dialing numbers for the last 45 minutes without anyone answering. 

Finally a lead picks up the phone…

There’s a moment of shock because someone just answered. And that's quickly followed by you stumbling over your words because in your mind you’re hoping:

  1. You got the right person,
  2. That they actually meant to click on your ad,   
  3. They aren’t rude and going to yell at you for calling them, and
  4. They’re a promising lead.

Imagine if you didn’t have any of that running through your head?

What if you knew that the person you were calling was eager to talk to you?

What if you already knew some BANTAR?

Would you feel more prepared? 


Now, maybe you’re thinking, “Shoot. Okay, I can text my leads that come in…”

Yes you can. And you should. 

Or, maybe you should let Smart Alto do it for you? 

The Bottom Line

Texting your leads is way better for converting real estate leads into clients. 

  • Too many people are screening their calls, 
  • Dialing for dollars sucks, not to mention, it’s not a good use of your time, 
  • Texting helps you get leads to engage with you, which
  • Helps you be less awkward on the phone and more prepared. 

Listen, you’re ambitious. We know you have big plans and even bigger goals for your business. 

So why are you even debating between texting vs. calling your leads. 

A texting service, ie. Smart Alto is better because it gets you on the right phone calls with the right leads.

Stop wasting time. 

Book a demo today. 

Ginger Crosbie

Content Marketing Manager at Smart Alto

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